2012 MAY | Congreso Sociedad Brasileña de Cirugía Plástica Ocular | Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil; 31 de mayo al 1ro de junio de 2012
Tips for a Successful Cosmetic Practice
Is there an Indication for Lower Lid Lipectomy?
To Cut or To Fill
Toxina Botulínica

Dr. Danil Weil, Dr. Ana Rosa Pimentel, Dr. Susana Matayushi, Dr. Jill Foster with Dr. Montes at Sao Pablo
Dr. Montes @Sao Pablo with Dr. Guillerme Almeida Dermatologist and Dr. Tatiana Nahas Oculoplastic Surgeon
Dr. Montes and fellow Ocuplastic Friends from Brazil
Dr. Montes Teaching Patient Evaluation to fellow Ocuplastic Surgeons from Brazil
Dr. Montes with his Brazilian Students
Live inyections by Dr. Montes at Sao Pablo

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